I am Like an Olive Tree

I am Like an Olive Tree

This month marks 3 years in our new, beautiful home. So grateful God chose this home for us — a sacred place filled with nature, peace and calm. My sanctuary.

I've always been drawn to olive trees and their beautiful gray-green, silvery leaves. The olive tree is a symbol of peace, restoration and friendship. Last year, I was overjoyed to plant one in our front yard. I thought it was a fruitless olive tree so I was very surprised to see some budding green olives on the branches this summer. God always has abundant surprises in store for us and these olives are a reminder to thrive and be fruitful.


But I am like an olive tree,
thriving in the house of God.
I will always trust in God’s unfailing love.
I will praise you forever, O God,
for what you have done. 
I will trust in Your good name
in the presence of Your faithful people.

Psalm 52:8-9 


"Olive trees thrive in difficult climates because of their strong root system. Similarly, when we are rooted in God we can flourish during the most challenging times."

Lessons from the Olive Tree podcast

Myrine, Founder & Designer   

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