Trust in God’s Unfailing Love

Trust in God’s Unfailing Love

But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God’s unfailing love for ever and ever.
Psalm 52:8

I wrote the words "Flourish Cherith" on a piece of paper last Fall not knowing it was going to be my word for 2025. But in the coming weeks, God confirmed it in so many ways through a stranger, a message, a bible study. I even wrote a journal post about the olive tree I planted with my verse for this year (Psalm 52:8) without knowing it. However, I know that's how God works. He graciously gives us glimpses of our future and His will for us. We may not realize it at the moment, but God is always working and is faithful. I am grateful for His gentle whisper guiding us. The Holy Spirit tugging at our hearts leading us along the way.

My word last year was Well and I feel like it was an image of what God was working in me. Creating a deep well inside rooted, stable, firm in His unfailing love for me, for us. I welcome this new year knowing it's a season God has prepared me for. I commit to stay obedient to His calling and trust Him in the outcome. I am a deep well ready to burst forth and flourish!


Flourish Vision Board


What does it mean to flourish in God's purpose?

Flourishing in God's purpose means living a life that is deeply connected to Him, seeking His will in all things, and aligning one's actions with His teachings. It involves trusting in His plan for your life, even when things may seem uncertain or challenging. When you flourish in God's purpose, you experience a sense of fulfillment and joy that comes from knowing you are walking in the path He has set out for you.

It's time to flourish!

With Gratitude,
Myrine, Founder & Designer   

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